
  • Dun dun Dunn. Patterns send fear down any persons spine but don’t worry you will never have to ask if something clashes again because it can be good. In this post I am going to list some ‘rules’ and guidelines of patterns. However, please please don’t think this means you are not allowed to break these guidelines because that is not the purpose of this; these are simply for people wanting some help because they are in fear of knocking people out with the many patterns of their clothes or ending up like some sort of optical illusion… Although optical illusions are great and I have no problems with them but it’s always good for a human not to morph into one 🙂

1. Different sizes of the same or similar pattern. This trick is great for new ‘patterners’ that was terrible I am very sorry It still gives your outfit the wow factor but helps make the overall look more united and linked rather than EVERYBODY FOR THEMSELVES. An example of this is Scarlett Johannson wearing a larger black and white check print pencil skirt with a smaller version of the pattern in her top.image

2. Treat stripes and polka dots like a plain fabric. This is also a great way to start out in mixing patterns. By pairing a large floral print with smaller black and white strip you can create a timeless and effortlessly stunning outfit. The woman in the picture below show how amazing the stripes and floral pairing can look.

imageV3. Colours are your friend. Another way of making sure your patterns will work is colour. If you pick a pattern with a dominant colour or any sort of colour in it use that to your advantage and it is your tool to pair fabrics together. This woman has paired lots of fabrics which wouldn’t normally go together but it works because of the colour similarities. The olive and earthier tones help unite the outfit and make it look phenomenal.

imageNow that concludes my first fashion post and my little list of a few things to keep in mind when pairing patterns and a little guidance for new ‘patterners’ I’m sorry I did it again do you get it’s like partners but not ahh it’s the worst pun I have ever heard but I did it twice.

Anyways, thank you for reading as always goodnight 🙂 x



It is currently midnight and I am not 100% sure what I am doing, but I would like to welcome you to my blog. I am very aware that this is probably not the best way to start this off (deliriously drunk on tiredness and very confused as to how this works) and that I should probably get some sleep blah blah. BUT this blogpost serves a purpose, which is to say/ask you to please not take this as an example for what is to come because I promise every blogpost from now will be glamorous and full of photos (basically a work of art hopefully.) Now I am also realising how utterly pointless this post is but it’s not I swear. I see this particularly raw piece of text done early in the morning as a sort of really crappy window into what I am hoping for this blog so you have this to look inside through the really mucky glass and the broken frame of this to see hopefully the kind of nice house inside. Aww wasn’t that metaphoric and slightly less useful as I initially thought… Nevermind. I would now like to end this by saying thank you to any person who reads this whether it one person or ten for taking the time to battle through my nonsense. So welcome to my blog one and all, goodnight 🙂 ximage